Ladies, today we are going to talk about standing up for yourself, asserting your rights as a human being, as a woman, and as an employee. We are talking about how to assert yourself when you have been wrongly accused, belittled, ignored or treated like your opinion doesn't matter. I…
SOLITUDE~ The Importance of Being Alone~
Everyone is so focused on being connected socially. It is great, and we need to have social connections. We also need solitude. Do you like the babbling brook (source- Canva) video above? Just the sound of the water takes my stress level down a notch. Don't confuse solitude (being alone)…
HATRED & RACISM~ It’s Time For Change
London Ontario Killing Was A Hate Crime It's Tuesday June 8, 2021. Today I am outraged. Hatred runs rampant in our city. I must share my thoughts on the evil and heinous murder of 4 family members, and the attempted murder of a little boy, still fighting for his life…
You Can Change Your Life! To change your life, especially if you're no longer in your twenties, can be difficult, but it's not impossible. For many years I felt miserable. Work sucked. My relationship sucked. My financial situation (or lack thereof) sucked. In general, my life sucked. I read countless…